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2022 BILLS


Kids Matter Index Rating on HCR 29
Regarding Medically Necessary Formulas:
YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


There are situations in pediatrics when certain formulas are deemed medically necessary by medical providers. We believe that with certain diagnoses, formulas should be reimbursed by insurance, as they don’t simply serve as nutrition, but are prescribed to treat medical conditions and prevent complications.

Bill HCR006 requests that the Department of Insurance consult with the insurance industry to research current reimbursement practices and determine how to make medically necessary formula available to children.

Please consider supporting HCR006.


Kids Matter Index Rating on H176

Emergency Rental Assistance:
YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


The state of Idaho received $175 million in Emergency Rental Assistance from the federal coronavirus relief package passed in December 2020. These funds can be used to ensure every  Idahoan has a stable and safe place to live during the pandemic by providing rental assistance to those at risk of facing eviction or homelessness. Our bipartisan organization, Idaho Children Are  Primary, urges lawmakers to approve the full $175 million allocation of these funds in order to address widespread housing instability and a lack of access to statewide rental assistance.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on

Medicaid Budget Stabilization Fund

House Bill 209
YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


House Bill 209 creates a reserve fund to help ensure the Medicaid budget remains sustainable over time. Currently, Idaho’s Medicaid program does not have the authority to save any surplus dollars or carry them over to future budget year spending. Instead, unused Medicaid dollars have to be reverted to the state General Fund at the end of every fiscal year. The legislature is not required to reappropriate the unused dollars back to the Medicaid program, leaving the Medicaid budget vulnerable to future budget fluctuations. The new ‘Medicaid Budget Stabilization Fund’ will be an interest baring account that allows Medicaid surplus moneys to be retained only for future Medicaid expenses.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on

Vape and Tobacco Age SB1087
YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on

Idaho Preschool Development Grant

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


Support the $6M funding for Idaho Preschool Development Grant. Voted Down in the House 34-36. IAEYC trying to revive, ICAP will help.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on

Full-day Kindergarten

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children



Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on H209

Health Advocates Urge Passage of

Medicaid Stabilization Fund
YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


A stabilization fund would create stability for the Medicaid program ensuring Idaho’s kids, seniors and people with disabilities are able to access the health care they need to stay healthy.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on H294

Strong Student Grant Program
(School Vouchers)

NO, this bill is not good for Idaho Children


An Idaho voucher program would dramatically hurt children in our state. Our schools are currently underfunded with many essential needs, such as Pre-K education not being met. Given the historic underfunding, the population growth, the needs of school age children across the state, technology needs, and the urban/rural demographics, taking money out of an already underfunded system would negatively impact all children in Idaho.

Please do not supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on H336

Fostering Youth Transitions

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


Advancing Options to Extend Care: This allows the state to better support successful transitions out of foster care and into adulthood by providing the option to extend care until they turn 21.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on S1006

Literacy Achievement Act

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


The purpose of this legislation is to consolidate the current statutory requirements for literacy intervention into a single chapter. It will update provisions in alignment with the Task Force recommendation for focusing on the importance of having every student reading at grade level by the end of grade 3.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on S1039

Workforce Readiness Diploma

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


The Workforce Readiness Diploma provides School Districts the ability to provide an additional designation for graduates who have successfully completed a career technical education program of study and demonstrated proficiency in the identified areas.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on S1135

Local Control of Gun Policy

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


This bill would direct the Idaho School Boards Association to support legislation that would ensure
that School Boards retain the ability to allow or prohibit individuals from possessing guns on
campus. It would also direct the Association to oppose any legislation that would grant individuals
the ability to possess guns on campus without Board approval.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on S1185

Medicaid Funding

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


With Medicaid being a crucial program serving Idaho’s children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, we need to take action to ensure Idahoans can continue to access affordable and quality health coverage. With the Public Health Emergency extending through the rest of 2021, federal Medicaid relief will allow for full funding of the state Medicaid budget without having to implement program changes or cut access to life-saving services during these unprecedented times.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on S1193

Idaho Preschool Development Grant

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


The heart of this work, the Local Collaborative Networks, are the grant’s primary vehicle to support families with young children. These partnerships are driven by dedicated local leaders who have put immense work into improving their communities and creating localized solutions specific to their corner of the state.

S1193 authorizes the pass-through of these federal funds to Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (IAEYC) to continue the work.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on H0385

State and federal funding support for grades K-12

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


Our teachers have been working under the most trying of circumstances this past year. The career ladder should be fully funded. Thousands of Idahoans and hundreds of businesses have asked to pass this funding, which is much needed for Idaho's education system.

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on H0387

Support our university system

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


Support our university system is a critical building block for Idaho's economy and helps to build widespread prosperity for Idahoans. A well-rounded and complete education is necessary to become a productive and responsible citizen. 

Please consider supporting this bill.


Kids Matter Index Rating on h0388

Provides funding from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

YES, this bill is good for Idaho Children


Support This bill provides funding from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for Idaho's school districts and public charter schools for FY 2022. This includes one-time funding for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER 3) and one-time funding for existing special education programs as part of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA).

Please consider supporting this bill.

Bills to Watch 2021 Session



Potential Bills for the Kids Matter Index

(Note underlined issues may become “hot topics”)


  • H0003 – Free range parenting.  Will be reprinted 2/1/2021 to include language about age and maturity level, potentially making a bill that is good for kids.  The Idaho AAP had concerns about their “hot car provision”. Voices will look closely at the changes and report back on whether we should support or oppose this bill.


  • H0062 – Empower Parents in Education Act 

    • “School Vouchers” - transfer of funds from public schools to private schools.  See the ICAP School Vouchers White Paper.  In general we would be opposed to draining any funding from the public school system in Idaho, because it is underfunded to begin with.  See the white paper for other issues.

    •  The premise of the bill - 8% of kids go to private school at $4200/head.  When the bill says “no fiscal impact” it means that the funding will come from public school monies.  

    • For example in a classroom of 35 kids, if 8% leave for supported private school, there will still be 32 kids in the classroom, still needing a teacher, a library, a classroom, school maintenance, etc.

    • 8% of K-12 students is 24,000 students at $4200 each amounts to potentially $100,000,000.  IF ¼ (2%) choose the private school route, that is $25,000,000 funds drained away from the public school system.

    • THERE is a fiscal impact.


  • HB 33 - This is one of many bills attempting to change the authority of District Boards of Health, by allowing the County Commission (or other local entities) to override orders for public health (including the spread of infections, food safety, water supply, air pollution).


  • H0052 – prohibit conversion therapy on under 18-year-olds.  


  • H63 – Limiting all governmental entities’ (including the governor, DH&W, Health Districts, schools, or boards) power to mandate vaccinations.  

    • House Bill 63 would:

    • 1. Specify state or local governments or subdivisions can’t force anyone to be vaccinated

    • 2. Can’t require an unvaccinated person to be quarantined because they’re not vaccinated

    • 3. Requires the person or guardian give consent before being vaccinated

    • This is unnecessary or mostly already covered in law. No one is vaccinated without consent; that would pretty clearly be malpractice. The only entities that may have real cause for concern would be county hospitals or institutions, which are political subdivisions of the state and often require that their employees be vaccinated.



  • HB 67 and HB 68 - limiting the governmental entities that can close K-12 and higher education.  It seems this is taking a health decision and turning it into a political decision.


  • S1006 – Literacy achievement – looks like it consolidates many programs that aid in student literacy into a streamlined program.  If it adds value, and does not take away resources, we would likely support.


  • S1039 – Provide workforce readiness certificates if earned, to high school graduates.  We need to research further, - is this tied to graduation requirements, or another track that sidesteps requirements, is there funding for vocational training, technical training?


  • S1045 - Provided one time $750 to non-public high school students to cover the cost of AP tests, fees, etc. Is similar funding available to public school students in need?  Should there be a means test?


  • S1046 – Innovation classrooms – force public schools to provide “innovative” classrooms, curricula, programs if 24 parents request it  - how will it be funded, what standards will apply? Is this a charter school in a non-charter setting?  What about equity, selection criteria, standards and evidence based curriculum? 


  • (Not yet printed, but watch for a bill regarding $136 M of federal dollars earmarked for Idaho to provide housing relief.   This may be rejected by the legislature!)



Bills pertaining to children, but not ones to take a stand on at this time

  • S1028 – Minimum wage – family economic security - Per Idaho Voices for Children, this bill most likely won’t get anywhere, may not be worth taking a stand

  • H0004 - Parental rights and disaster/emergency situations - This will likely die in the Senate, we may not want to wade into the issue unnecessarily.



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