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Julie was born and raised in Canyon County. She graduated from Vallivue High School, and earned a BA in Elementary Education and an MA in Educational Leadership from the College of Idaho, and a degree as anin Educational Specialist and a Doctorate of Education from the University of Idaho.

She enjoyed teaching seventh grade and first grade before entering school administration. She was the planning principal and first principal at the new Caldwell High School and Vallivue’s Ridgevue High School. She also assisted with the building of Thomas Jefferson Charter School and served as the first administrator. She now serves on the TJCS Board.

Julie served on the West Valley Medical Center Board for nine years and was the Board Chair from 2010-2019. She is a founding member and current chair of the Assistance League of Boise Canyon County Branch. 

Once she retired from her education career, she said, "But you don't retire from life, you just find other ways to serve." Julie has made Education at all levels a top priority. She realizes that funding and results are an important concern to families and businesses. As Chair of the House Education Committee, her goal is to create a collaborative working environment, where legislators will listen, learn and compromise to push forward legislation that will serve all Idaho families and students.

Julie and Leland Sasaki, also a long-time educator, have been married for 28 years.

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